Friday, January 21, 2011


In times of need, people come together with open hearts to care for one another. Certain life events stir emotions which enable people to drop whatever they’re occupied with in order to bring time back to order. This is an act of kindness and courage in a human being. Recently in our neighborhood, a loved one was killed. As soon as the scene occurred, arms were reached out to help this family. They experience a kind of pain that many people across the world feel by losing someone so close. The Mariemont community came full on with an act of kindness by holding a loving memorial for this woman and her family. All took the time to stop whatever was going on in their lives to secure love back into this household. As time passes, it is hopeful that this family will be able to go back to their regular daily routines and be supported by everyone in the community.
                Kindness and courage are two attributes that go hand in hand with helping those in need. After helping with these retreats with the kids I could tell that they have learned a lot. They really gave their heart back to the people they forgave. It was great to see this in these little kids. You may not see love everyday which is kind of sad, but when you have days like these, seeing the love makes you fell so much happier. Hopefully in today’s society people will find their hearts in themselves and give people more love around them.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Social Network

Every age has its visionaries who leave, in the wake of their genius, a changed world--but rarely without a battle over exactly what happened and who was there at the moment of creation. "The Social Network" explores the moment at which Facebook was invented--through the warring perspectives of the super-smart young men who each claimed to be there at its inception. The movie moves from the halls of Harvard to the cubicles of Palo Alto to capture the heady early days of a culture-changing phenomenon in the making--and the way it both pulled a group of young revolutionaries together and then split them apart. In the midst of the chaos are Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), the brilliant Harvard student who conceived a Web site; Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield), once Zuckerberg's close friend, who provided the seed money for the fledgling company; Napster founder Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake), who brought Facebook to Silicon Valley's venture capitalists; and the Winklevoss twins (Armie Hammer and Josh Pence), the Harvard classmates who asserted that Zuckerberg stole their idea and then sued him for ownership of it. Each has his own narrative, his own version of the Facebook story in this multi-level portrait of 21st Century success--both the youthful fantasy of it and its finite realities as well.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Dont Ask, Dont Tell"

Equality In the United States is what people have wanted for a very long time. There has been many flaws in having equality, like having the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Gays have been discriminated in the military to a point where some have been kicked out and lost honors based on their choice of path in life. This is certainly not the kind of equality that a lot of common Americans and I are looking for in a day-to-day society and military which protects our country. How has this kind of enforcement been allowed all these years? This has been questioned over the last century and our new government is finally enforcing some action to change the prejudices of past societies.
President Barack Obama officially signed a law to allow gays into the American military line to encourage the face that “all men and women are created equal.” He felt this law would strengthen the national security and encourage men and women to continue to risk lives to defend our country in times of need without discrimination. Zoe Dunning, once a naval officer who is not associated with the advocacy group Service Members Legal Defense Fund, felt there is a need to a greater trust in the military especially in a time where troops are needed during the two wars our country is in at the present time. Obama made sure that all Americans knew that “your country needs you, your country wants you, and we will be honored to welcome you into the ranks of the finest military the world has ever known.” Gay activists are now highly supporting the president and look for an honorable future. Even the high standing president seemed to be overwhelmed by this new bill and change in our 2011 government. To all new members enlisting in the army and giving time to prepare in this New Year, everyone will continue to be honored for their courage and love for their country for the years to come.